Sandra Fong


Senior research engineer with 6 years of experience in immersive technology relating to AR,VR and 360 applications, pivoted from 3d assets creation to development. Highly motivated to gain skills and keep learning as I navigate towards growing as a web developer.

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Web Applications

Immersive Asset Library (on-going)

A library of immersive assets (3d Models, 360 images etc.) for users to download. Features include uploading of 3d Assets and 360 images and enrollment of students by authorized admin staff. Hosted on AWS Lightsail


An online library that allows you to browse, borrow and read books, inspired by NLB(National Library) Libby application. Utilizing relational database and Google-Cloud along with squelize-ORM to execute all backend API endpoints. Login with username: pw: 1234 to test.

Classpass Clone

A booking application inspired by Classpass. Applied MVC achitechture along with a non-relational database and RESTful routes.

Airbnb Clone

Same as the Airbnb we all know, this application operates an online marketplace for lodging and homestays. Executed all backend API endpoints and supported frontend login and register routes.

Health Up

A web application which helps the user achieve their health goal, by calculating the calories they need and recommending recipes for them. Primarily focusing on static rendering, and mobile responsiveness.

Immersive Technology Applications

2D Gamification - Fire Safety 101

A 2D informative game with self-guided feedback and learning content about fire safety facilities.

Augmented Training - Emergency Lighting

An AR tool to visualize the systems of an emergency lighting mechanics during a power failure.

A virtual walkthrough of Singapore Maritime Gallery using AR and 360 technology, featuring information hotspots and a 3d map.

Simulation - Sprinkler System

An interactive, guided simulation process of the maintenence of the sprinkler system during a power failure

Virtual Walkthrough - 360 with 3d Asset

An interactive, virtual walkthrough exploring a plant with intergrated 3d Model equipment, in addition to an emergency shutdown procedure.